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  • Black Seed Oil is a powerful and natural health product commonly used to promote positive health. Benefits include improving digestive wellbeing, immune system functions, cardiovascular wellbeing, and joint health

  • Benefits of Black Seed Oil include improving digestive wellbeing, immune system functions, cardiovascular wellbeing, and joint health. Black Seed is also effective in the treatment of hair growth, blood sugar levels, skin health, weight loss, improved menstrual cycles and improved energy levels.

  • Black Seed Oil comes from the seeds of the flowering Nigella Sativa plant. Also known as Kalonji, Fennel flower and Black Caraway. The Nigella Sativa plant is native to Asia, the Middle East and North Africa. We source our blackseed oil from the most optimal harvests in Ethiopia.

  • The active ingredient in Black Seed Oil is Thymoquinone also known as TQ. This is a potent compound that recent studies suggest has multiple useful effects for the treatment of several diseases. Thymoquinone demonstrates outstanding antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and other important biological activities.

    Our high potency black seed oil has been tested for its Thymoquinone percentage by Analytical RnD – a reputable Australian testing lab.

    View our Lab report by clicking the download link on the product page for Black Seed Oil.

  • We do not recommend taking Blackseed products while pregnant or nursing.

    Always consult your health care practitioner before using these products.

  • Not to be taken in children under 3 years, during pregnancy or nursing.

    Always consult your health care practitioner before using.