Black Seed Oil & it’s benefits

  • What is black seed oil?

    Nigella sativa (N. sativa) is a small plant shrub that produces fruit with tiny black seeds, commonly referred to as black seeds. Nigella sativa grows in Southwest Asia, the Middle East, Southern Europe, and Northern Africa.

    Also known as black cumin, black caraway, nigella, fennel flower, and Roman coriander, black seed oil is extracted from N. sativa seeds and has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years dating back to ancient Egypt and provides many therapeutic benefits to aid in general health and wellbeing.

  • The potential benefits

    Black seed oil and its plant compounds have been tested and traditionally been linked to several health benefits including the treatment of asthma and aiding weight loss.

    Black seeds have also been applied topically to benefit skin and hair and overall digestive health, blood pressure and cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels and more.

  • Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

    Blackseed Oil can be used to assist with reducing high blood pressure and high levels of cholesterol. High blood pressure and cholesterol are significant risk factors in the development of heart disease.

    Studies have shown that Black seed can be highly effective in the reduction of blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

    Various tests conducted on adults with obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol resulted in overall improvements in their critical levels.

  • High in antioxidants

    Black seed oil is naturally high in antioxidants. Antioxidants are molecules that exist in plants that help to protect cells against free radicals. Free radicals are compounds in the human body that overwhelm the body’s natural defences and can lead to conditions like heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and cancer.

    In particular, black seed oil is rich in thymoquinone (TQ), which has potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects suggesting that this may protect brain health and aid in treating several types of cancer.

  • Treatment of Asthma

    Studies in the effects of black seed oil suggest that the thymoquinone (TQ) content may help in treating asthma. Asthma is a medical condition that affects the airways, or the breathing tubes that carry air into our lungs.

    The potent TQ levels found in black seed oil help reduce inflammation and relax the muscles in the airway, reducing the effects of asthma, making it easier to breath.

  • Weight Loss

    Research shows that black seed oil may assist in stimulating a healthy metabolism and therefore helping to reduce body mass index in individuals with obesity, metabolic syndrome or type 2 diabetes.

    Studies have shown that users of black seed oil had lost significantly more weight and also experienced significant improvements in triglyceride and cholesterol levels.

  • Skin and Hair

    Black seed oil has been used traditionally to help with a variety of skin and hair conditions.

    Due to the antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects of black seed oil, it may help in treating various skin conditions, including eczema, dry skin and acne,.

    Black seed oil can also also help hydrate hair and reduce the effects of dandruff caused by dry scalp.

  • Blood Sugar Levels

    Black seed has traditionally been used to help reduce blood sugar levels. Blood sugar levels are critical for people with diabetes. High blood sugar levels can increase the risk of kidney disease, eye disease, and stroke.

    Several studies have indicated that daily intake of black seed oil or capsules may significantly reduce blood glucose levels by:

    increasing insulin production

    decreasing insulin resistance

    stimulating cellular activity

    decreasing intestinal insulin absorption

  • Need more info?

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